OES Electronic Newsletter Volume 14, Number 1, Feb. 16, 2017

OTC Brasil: The Search for paper proposals has begun.

Take this opportunity to share your latest technical achievements, enhance your reputation as an E&P leader, and contribute to the advancement of the industry.  Those who are selected will present their papers at OTC Brasil, 24–26 October 2017 in Rio de Janeiro. And you can extend your influence beyond the conference through inclusion in the multi-society library, OnePetro, which reaches more than 12,000 users daily.
View the complete list of paper proposal categories and submit a paper proposal by 8 March  2017.

Other deadlines:

Upcoming OES Event Calendar Items:

      * Non-OES sponsored Events

OES web site:  http://www.ieeeoes.org

OES Earthzine online publicaton:  http://www.earthzine.org/

OES Job Board:  Listings:  http://ieeeoes.org/jobs, Submissions:  http://ieeeoes.org/jobs/submission.cfm

RSS feed at http://www.ieeeoes.org/rss/news.xml

The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society is now on Linked-In, come join us! 

Send content for and comments regarding this newsletter to the editor: Toshihiro Maki, maki@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp, by the 15th of each month for a newsletter broadcast at end of the month.

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