Description of Journal

IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

(ISSN 0364-9059)


The IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (IEEE-JOE) is a quarterly journal published by the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (IEEE OES) whose field of interest includes all aspects of science, engineering and technology that address research, development, and operations pertaining to all bodies of water. This includes the creation of new capabilities and technologies from concept design through prototypes, testing and operational systems to sense, explore, analyze, understand, develop, use and responsibly manage natural resources.


Types of Contributions:

 The IEEE-JOE publishes peer-reviewed articles and technical communications, as well as letters-to-the-editor.

     * Peer-reviewed Journal Articles are well-rounded treatments of a problem area describing an original contribution to ocean science and technology. These articles may also represent comprehensive contributions of a theoretical or analytical nature.

     * The peer-reviewed Technical Communication is a concise and focused study or analysis. Literature and technology reviews, system performance and tradeoff studies, innovative applications of existing technology, are all valid technical communication contributions.

     * Letters-to-the-editor are scholarly opinions on articles published in the Journal. Authors of the articles in question are given the right-of-reply.

Throughout the year, collections of papers focusing on specific topics are published as Special Issues. Such issues may contain also a regular section with articles and technical communications on other topics.

The final recommendation concerning the classification and publication of a manuscript is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.

The Journal of Oceanic Engineering is a hybrid journal, allowing either Traditional submission, or Open Access (OA) submission.

With the Traditional submission option, a manuscript will be available to qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore.  When a manuscript is accepted for publication the authors will be requested to pay a publication processing fee of US$110 per page

For additional information on IEEE's Open Access policies, please refer to https://open.ieee.org/index.php/about-ieee-open-access/faqs/


Journal subscriptions for individuals are obtained through membership in the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society. Libraries, Subscription Agents, and other groups can also subscribe. Subscription rates can be found by visiting the

IEEE Catalog & Store, accessing IEEE Subscription Prices in Journals & Magazines, and searching the Publications list for Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of (J-OE), Pub ID 022-420. Copies of specific issues may be ordered directly from IEEE. IEEE Customer Service is available to take orders from 8:30am - 5:00pm ET:

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