Invite to participate in the IEEE/OES Young Professionals program

Dear Young Professional (YP) OES Members,

The IEEE/OES Young Professionals branch invites you to participate in the leadership of the society by attending the meetings, by being involved in the diverse committees, and by helping with different aspects of the OCEANS conferences.

The IEEE/OES “YP-BOOST” program consists of recruiting 2 new YPs every year, starting on January 1st of the year following the selection, for a total of 4 YPs for a given year when in permanent regime. This year is the initial selection for the process. Those chosen will first attend and participate in OCEANS’18 Kobe (May 28-31, 2018).

The duration of this program for each selected candidate is 2 years, corresponding to 4 OCEANS conferences, completely covered financially by OES.

The selected candidates to this program will then develop their relationship with the other professional and student attendees, representing a positive point for your professional career.

If you are interested in this program, you have to complete this form:


After completing the personal information, you will be asked to upload 2 documents:

  • Your curriculum vitae (1 page);
  • A letter of application showing your motivation and describing how and where you propose to be involved (2 pages). For that, you can study the organization of the society to select one or several committees you are interested in working with.

Submission due: 30 November 2017.

For any question on the program or the application form, you can contact: frederic.maussang@imt-atlantique.fr

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Dr. Frederic Maussang.